From abandonment to acquisition - unlocking a 21% lift in sales and a 7.4x ROI with personalized GIFs in email

What we did
Layout & Design
Motion Design
Media Automation
Partner Agency
Good Joo Joo

Data into revenue

Every year, billions of dollars in potential revenue slip through the cracks when customers abandon their carts. For Mtn Ops the challenge was simple - reignite interest and convert those lost sales.

Partnering up with Good Joo Joo agency, we took a standard e-commerce communication and injected a touch of unexpected personalization - a dynamic, one-of-a-kind piece of motion right in inbox.

We cut through the noise, grabbing attention, creating a memorable moment, and moving the needle by 21% in additional sales. The automation, ran without any human intervention over the course of 6 weeks, reaching over 10k people, and earning 7.4 times ROI.

The personalised media machine

The campaign ran as a fully automated flow within Klaviyo.  Setup was easy—no IT teams, no complex integrations—just a quick webhook right inside existing flows. Details like customer name and basket items were funnelled to our platform producing a completely unique GIF in seconds. A URL was written back to customer profile and merged into email on send.

GIFs adjusted for names, single or multi item baskets, and our system calculated discounts based on basket totals

This helped to visually show the exact dollar discount for every customer instead of just giving a percentage.

Generic segments covered for incomplete datasets and a fully generic GIF served as a fallback.

Moments that matter

Ultimately if the piece of personalized media isn’t compelling to look at, the communication falls flat.
All the technical wizardry in the world can’t save a dull experience.

Creatively, dynamic GIFs are a puzzle of competing pieces - a fine balance between crucial data, beautiful motion, and a punchy message, all wrapped in a six second image file that needs to be small enough to load instantly and if all goes well - move the recipient to take action.

Our gifs opened with the recipients name - immediately establishing that the media was specially tailored. We also pulled product images directly from Shopify, cycling through the basket before nudging them to complete their order. GIF templates were built from the ground up, and branded specifically for Mtn Ops, using colours, fonts, and brand assets to create a cohesive and engaging brand experience.

Abandoned cart - 30min delay
•  Name
•  Dynamic product images
•  Single or multiple items
•  Standard or free shipping
Abandoned cart - 48h delay New Customer
•  Name
•  Discount calculation
•  Dynamic product images
•  Single or multiple items


With performance at the heart of the campaign, the personalized comms were rigorously monitored from the outset in a 50/50 split AB test against the existing abandoned cart mailers.

Across 4 unique splits, the personalized cohort showed consistently higher engagement in clicks, and ultimately higher completed purchases. After 6 weeks and more than ten thousand recipients we saw an average improvement of 21% in conversions across all flows.

This isn’t just about automation, it’s about enhancing every customer touchpoint with moments that feel genuinely tailored.

By blending creativity with CRM data, we turned abandoned carts into an opportunity to connect, converting hesitation into clicks and, ultimately, revenue.

Increase in sales
Return on investment
AB test results over 6 weeks with 10,074 recipients
Completed Orders
See next case study